Friday, 22 December 2017

You May Need to Take Vitamins for Adrenal Support

The adrenal glands play a pivotal role in keeping you healthy. Various parts of the gland secrete a variety of hormones. These hormones regulate metabolism, blood pressure, balance of electrolytes, formation of sex hormones, body’s response to stress, immune reaction etc. If there is any abnormality with the gland all these functions will be disrupted. To prevent this you need to support the adrenal gland with proper nutrition.

Factors That Affect Adrenal Function

There are many factors that may lead to malfunction of adrenal glands. But there is one factor that can play havoc with the health of adrenal glands – stress. If you are not living a healthy lifestyle, your adrenal glands need to work more to regulate the functions. If you don’t rectify your lifestyle, a moment may come when the adrenal glands may become overworked and stressed. From that moment it’s functioning becomes incoherent, and it starts to malfunction.

Ways to Combat Malfunction of Adrenal Glands

Rectify Your Lifestyle

This is the biggest thing you can do for yourself. If you don’t do it, your adrenal glands as well as other systems will be in continuous pressure to perform. This may result in widespread failure. Emotional stress and physical inactivity, resulting from sedentary lifestyle, along with habits of drinking and smoking can wreak havoc in your body. Your blood pressure would increase, emotional stress would increase, metabolism would become slow etc. This may put pressure on the glands since they would be hard pressed to maintain normalcy. The glands may become over worked and start to malfunction.

Consume Vitamins For Adrenal Support

Adrenal glands need a lot of vitamins to perform their task efficiently. If the glands run out of these vitamins the gland might not be able to function properly. So, you need to ensure that a continuous supply of vitamins essential for proper functioning of the gland is supplied to it. To this effect supplements of vitamins for adrenal support can be of great help. Let us see the vitamins that are essential for the health of adrenal glands. 

Vitamins That Are Vital For Adrenal Glands

Vitamin C

While we know that the adrenal gland regulates the stress response of your body, it must be known that it is Vitamin C that helps it perform this task. It is the element that helps the glands in producing Cortisole, the stress hormone. When you are too stressed the Cortisole levels need to increase in response and to that effect the gland uses up a lot of vitamin C. The gland stores Vitamin C. In fact, the maximum amount of vitamin C is stored in the adrenal glands. So vitamin C is essential for these glands. But, its level may fall below the requirement if you are exposed to stress continuously. Moreover, Vitamin C is a well-known antioxidant. It helps the body to fight free radicals and toxins. It is also helpful in reducing the risk of DNA mutation in cells. So if you are under stress and your cortisole levels are elevated you need to take Vitamin C supplements.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E has a major role to play in keeping the adrenal glands healthy. Coupled with vitamin C, it supports the recovery of adrenal glands in cases of extreme stress. It also fights free radicals. You need to take supplements of these vitamins for adrenal support. You can also compensate for Vitamin E if you take food rich in Vitamin E such as sunflower seeds, nuts, sweet potato, olive oil, spinach, asparagas, kale etc.

Vitamin D

High level of Cortisole in the blood inhibits the uptake of Vitamin D in the body. Vitamin D is an important constituent of immune system. If you have reduced levels of vitamin D you may suffer from immune disorder. When there is immune disorder, you may suffer from autoimmune diseases. In such a scenario the immune system will attack the adrenal glands themselves. So you need take sufficient amount of these vitamins for adrenal support.


So, you need to take supplements of C, D and E Vitamins for Adrenal Support. You can also get these elements from your food. However, due to cooking, peeling, washing and other preparatory methods food loses the nutritional value.

You Can Secure Physical And Emotional Well Being With Zyto Technology

Nutritional supplements help people make up for the lack of essential nutrients in body. They play a vital role in revitalising your physical system. But, the reality is otherwise. Nutritional supplements don’t work uniformly for all of us. In some of us these may work wonders while in others it may not have any effect at all. This is mostly because of a biological incoherence of the nutritional supplements with your body. Such supplements are not likely to uplift your physical well being by much. You need biologically coherent supplements to get the desired effect. With the help of bio communication scanning from Zyto technology you can now determine which supplements are good for you and which are not. 

Bio Communication Scanning

The old name for this technology is electro dermal screening which measures the response of your skin to different stimuli in terms of electrical pulses. It measures the body’s galvanic response to different external and internal stimuli. 

 What is Galvanic Response?

Galvanic response is also known as electro dermal response. Your skin has sweat glands just beneath it. These glands are responsive to different stimuli like pinching, piercing etc. The response to stimuli can be measured in terms of electrical activity of the skin. This response is also known as galvanic response.

Sweat Glands Have an Active Role

The sweat glands are a part of the autonomic nervous system which, again, is a part of the Sympathetic Nervous System. The Sympatheic Nervous System has a bearing on your body’s immune response to different stimuli. So, whenever a stimulus is given to your skin or body the autonomic nervous system picks up the signal. The signal is processed in your brain, and it is there that the fight or flight decision is taken. As a part of that decision you may get increased heart rate, sweaty palms, increased respiratory rate, abnormal papillary activity, increased urination, itching, sexual arousal etc. Whatever is the response of your body, a change in galvanic response or electro dermal response can be observed. The autonomic nervous system acts on the sweat glands in some way or the other. The result is increased or decreased sweating. The conductance of your skin increases when sweating increases. Increased skin conductance or galvanic response can be picked up by an appropriate system and measured in terms of micro Siemens. The bio communication system from Zyto technology does the same thing.

Zyto Technology

Electrical response of your skin can also be measured through EEG, but it often does not yield satisfactory results. The latest technology has advanced electro dermal screening which can take more accurate measurement of galvanic response and has an extensive list of items to scan for. There is also an advanced scanning option. Latest technology coupled with extensive list of stimuli to scan for and advanced scanning can offer personalised wellness solutions that will indeed be good for your physical well being. However, it is not only your physical wellbeing that this company cares for. It can also offer you an emotional bolster that will help streamline your perceptions about events, persons and places.

Prescription for Emotional Wellness

For healthy living, emotional wellness is as necessary as physical wellbeing is. But emotional wellness is dependent to a large extent on your perceptions about various people, events, places etc. If your perception about something changes to positive, you can observe noticeable improvement in many spheres of life such as relationships, performances, cognitive abilities etc. Such positive changes are an indicator of your enhanced emotional wellness. Zyto technology has pioneered the Perception Reframing Technology towards this goal.

What is Perception Reframing Technology?

Your voice changes when you think and talk about something. This is because the frequencies in your voice change subconsciously when you relate to certain things, events or topics. This reveals your perception about that particular element, be it a thought, an idea, a person, an event or a place. The technology from Zyto can create a voice map for you and then determine what is missing in it that can give it a positive vibe. At the last stage the software will allow you to subconsciously absorb the information and reframe your perception about topics.


With Bio communication technology and Perception Reframing Technology from Zyto technology you can enhance your physical as well as emotional well being and live a more contented life.

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

ZYTO Technology-A Radically New Approach to Health and Wellness

How great would it be if we had a technology that could help us choose the right kind of health products and nutritional supplements? This is something that people have always wondered, as taking the right dietary supplement is essential for your good health. The good news is that we now have a solution in the form of ZYTO technology, which is a groundbreaking scanning technique that can help you identify the products that can help you achieve optimal health and wellness.

What Is It?

ZYTO is a leading name in the field of biocommunication. Set up by Dr. Vaughn Cook, who is an expert in alternative and complementary medicine and specializes in technological solutions that integrate Eastern and Western Medicine. Dr. Cook developed ZYTO technology, which is a scanning technique that can find out what kind of products your body is most compatible with.

The Science behind ZYTO

ZYTO is essentially a biocommunication scanning technology. Research shows that your body reacts and responds to external stimuli. If you could read and interpret these responses, you could find out a great deal about your body. It is precisely what ZYTO is designed to do. 

Zyto Technology

The ZYTO software program has a large catalogue of digital signatures that represent health and wellness products, supplements, personal care products, and many more. During the scan, an energetic impulse corresponding to a particular product is sent to your body. Your body reacts to it and sends a galvanic skin response, which is recorded by the software. If the response is positive, it means your body is biologically coherent with the product. If it is negative, it means your body is incoherent with the product and it is not good for you.

When you get to the bottom of it, you can easily understand that ZYTO technology is basically a question and answer session involving your body. Questions related to various health and wellness, personal care, and nutritional products are asked in the form of energetic impulses and your body answers in the form of galvanic skin responses. Based on the answers, you can easily find out if a particular product is safe to consume, if it is compatible with your body, and if it is beneficial for your overall health in the long run.

The Need for ZYTO Technology

Experts believe that taking nutritional supplements can improve your health to a great extent. Choosing the right supplement, however, is equally important as a low-quality supplement or a product that contains ingredients that your body is not compatible with could lead to a number of undesirable side effects. It might not deliver the results or benefits that you expect and might actually be bad for your health in the long run. This is why it is important to choose a product that is coherent and compatible with your body. And this is precisely what ZYTO can help you with.

Using ZYTO technology, you can easily find out the health products and supplements your body is compatible and comfortable with and make them a part of your regular diet. Once you do, you will find a remarkable improvement in your overall health, energy levels, and vitality, as what you consume is in perfect harmony with the natural state of your body. There are no unwanted reactions or side effects, as your body processes and absorbs the nutrients it needs naturally.

ZYTO Scan – Safe and Sound

The scan, if properly administered by a qualified practitioner, is completely safe and there are no risks involved whatsoever. The process is safe not just for young people, but even for infants, children, and the elderly. Even pregnant women can undergo the scan without any difficulty.

The scan is not a one-time thing though. As your body changes and ages, its compatibility and coherence levels with respect to food and supplements also change. So, it is a good idea to scan your body on a regular basis and keep yourself updated on the kind of supplements that you are ideal for your health.

The practitioner who administers the scan can tell you how often you need to get the scan done. The number might differ from one person to another, depending on age, health, and various other factors. On the whole, ZYTO technology can help you make better, well informed decisions in terms of health and wellness.

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Premier Research Labs Products – Your Gateway to Good Health

When it comes to nutritional supplements, Premier Research Labs’ products have always been a cut above the rest. In terms of quality, effectiveness, safety, and health benefits, they stand out from most of the health products available on the market today. What makes these products so much better than the rest? Let us take a look.

The Company

Premier Research Labs (PRL) has been a household name in the field of nutritional supplements for nearly three decades now. PRL was born because its founder, Dr. Robert Marshall, who was a clinical nutritionist at the time, realized that there was a genuine need for high quality supplements in the market. So, he decided to come up with a line of supplements that are of higher quality and much more effective in terms of health benefits. As a result, PRL was born.

The PRL Difference

There are three key reasons why generic supplements are not nearly as effective as they are claimed to be. First – The manufacturers generally use the cheapest ingredients in order to cut corners and increase their profit margin. Second – The raw materials used are not tested properly using stringent testing processes. Third – A number of excipients are added to the product, which affect the efficacy of the ingredients and degrade the supplement.

Right at the outset, Dr. Marshall decided to address these three concerns to make sure that PRL products are better in every which way. First – PRL uses the highest quality ingredients, irrespective of how rare they are and how much they cost, to ensure the quality of their products. Second – The raw materials undergo chromatography testing as well as bio-energetic testing to ensure they are pure and effective. Third – The products are free from any sort of excipients and additives that could compromise their quality and effectiveness.

The Secret of Cellular Resonance

Yet another key factor that separates Premier Research Labs’ supplements from other products in the market today is that they are based on a revolutionary scientific concept called cellular resonance technology.

Research shows that each cell in your body has its own resonant frequency. For ideal health, the nutrients you consume should also be at their ideal resonant frequencies. Moreover, nutrients in their natural, living state emit what experts call a ‘body of light’. When excipients and other artificial elements are added, the nutrients no longer emit the light. This is why PRL insists on using nutrients in their raw, quantum state without adding any excipients whatsoever.
Premier Research Labs Products
Each and every nutrient and ingredient in Premier Research Labs’ products are bioactive and in an ideal quantum state. When combined together, they have a multiplying effect and benefit your body and mind enormously. A regular dose of these supplements ensure that the cells in your body are healthy and at their ideal resonant frequencies, which lowers the risk of diseases and disorders and improves your overall health and vitality tremendously.

PRL goes above and beyond what a supplement manufacturer usually does in terms of ensuring their product quality. Part of the reason is that the founder is a trained, qualified nutritionist, who has both the knowledge and experience to know what it takes to make sure the raw ingredients as well as the final product are of impeccable quality.

PRL Products for All Your Needs

One of the reasons why Premier Research Labs’ supplements are popular with customers is that the company addresses every single one of your health needs – from bone health to bladder health, intestinal health, neurological health, prostate health, cardiovascular health, skin health, and many, many more.

PRL also has products to help you cleanse your system, detoxify your body, improve your digestion, and fortify your immune system. The company even has organic snacks that are healthier and more filling than the regular, high-calorie snacks that are completely devoid of any nutritional value.

The Best Nutritional Supplements for Your Health

Premier Research Labs’ supplements are of very high quality and are formulated to improve your health, energy levels, and vitality like no other product can. They are also very safe to consume and there is absolutely no risk of any side effects involved. Taking these supplements on a regular basis is one of the best ways to make sure you stay healthy and active for a long time.

Friday, 9 June 2017

Premier Research Labs Products-The Secret of Good Health

The age of generic health supplements is most likely over. This is the age of cutting edge scientific technology which attempts to heal you and improve your health on a cellular level. This is the message that is conveyed by the growing popularity of Premier Research Labs’ (PRL) products.

What Is It?

Premier Research Labs is the manufacturer of some of the highest quality nutritional products for men and women of all ages. The Texas based company is on a mission to produce premier quality dietary supplements that can make a visible difference to your health and quality of life. The company is a pioneer in the field of quantum cellular resonance technology, based on which the products are formulated.

The Technology behind Premier Research Labs Supplements

Research shows that each cell in your body has what is called an ‘ideal resonant frequency’. Each healthy cell in your body also emits a ‘body of light’. Researchers believe that to heal your body and truly improve your health on a core, cellular level, you should do two things. First – you should consume nutrients that are at their ideal resonate frequencies, just like the cells in your body. Second – you should avoid consuming non-nutritious substances that do not emit a body of light.
Premier Research Labs Supplements

Premier Research Labs products are based on these principles. The products only contain the highest quality ingredients that are at their ideal resonate frequencies. They are also completely free of any excipients, additives, and other junk substances that do not emit a body of light. By taking these supplements regularly, you can improve your health remarkably and lower the risk of a wide range of diseases and disorders in the long run.

The Premier Research Labs Difference

Quality is the most important factor that separates PRL from other supplement manufacturers. While other companies try to cut corners by procuring the raw materials from the cheapest available sources, PRL makes it a point to procure only the highest quality raw materials from a small pool of trusted suppliers.

The company employs chromatography technology to scan the raw materials to ensure they meet its stringent quality standards. It also uses a proprietary bio-energetic testing to screen the raw materials. It is important to note that they do all this testing in addition to the routine laboratory tests they usually do to ensure the quality of the raw materials.
Best Quality Premier Research Labs Products
The reason behind such extensive testing is that PRL wants to make sure their products are of the highest quality possible and the ingredients are free of any contaminants, excipients, or any other substances that could compromise the efficacy and potency of the products.

On the contrary, the generic health supplements that you can find on the market today contain coloring agents, plasticizers, flowing agents, lubricating agents, seasoning agents, thickening agents, preservatives, and a number of other excipients. These substances do not have any nutritious value and they also have a detrimental effect on the potency of the core ingredients.

Many of the generic health products on the market today are also known to contain toxins, which could cause undesirable side effects in some cases. The presence of such toxins is often the result of inadequate and incomprehensive testing. It is to avoid such problems that PRL has adopted a rigorous testing process, which makes sure that every single of Premier Research Labs products are 100% toxin free and completely safe to consume.
Premier Research Labs Products
One of the interesting aspects of PRL products is that the capsules are made of 100% vegetable sources, which dissolve readily and also facilitate better absorption of nutrients. They do not contain any solvents or animal based gelatin substances, all of which are known to cause health problems in the long run.

The manufacturing facility of PRL deserves to be mentioned here. It is an FDA monitored state of the art facility equipped with temperature control and dust and humidity reduction mechanisms. It adheres to GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) guidelines. There is also an in-house quality control team that cleans and inspects the manufacturing equipment before every production run.

Premier Research Labs Supplements for Better Health

In summation, if you are in need of premier quality nutrients that can make a huge difference to the quality of your life, your search ends at PRL. When taken as part of your regular diet, these supplements can fortify your immune system and help you stay healthy and active for a long time.